//性能瓶颈,10万条记录时,执行查询140ms, 获取结果集500ms,其余可忽略
int CDBManager::QueryHostCache(MYSQL* connecthandle,
char * channelid, int ISPtype,
CDBManager::CHostCacheTable * &hostcache)
char selectSQL[SQL_LENGTH];
memset(selectSQL, 0, sizeof(selectSQL));
sprintf(selectSQL,"select * from HostCache
where ChannelID = '%s' and ISPtype = %d", channelid, ISPtype);
selectSQL, strlen(selectSQL)) != 0) //检索
return 0;
m_pResultSet = mysql_store_result(connecthandle);
if(!m_pResultSet) //获取结果集出错
return 0;
int iAllNumRows = (int)(mysql_num_rows(m_pResultSet)); ///<所有的搜索结果数
int iReturnNumRows = (iAllNumRows <= RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM)? iAllNumRows:RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM;
if(iReturnNumRows <= RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM)
for(int i = 0; i<iReturnNumRows; i++)
m_Row = mysql_fetch_row(m_pResultSet);
if(m_Row[0] != NULL)
strcpy(hostcache[i].sessionid, m_Row[0]);
if(m_Row[1] != NULL)
strcpy(hostcache[i].channelid, m_Row[1]);
if(m_Row[2] != NULL)
hostcache[i].ISPtype = atoi(m_Row[2]);
if(m_Row[3] != NULL)
hostcache[i].externalIP = atoi(m_Row[3]);
if(m_Row[4] != NULL)
hostcache[i].externalPort = atoi(m_Row[4]);
if(m_Row[5] != NULL)
hostcache[i].internalIP = atoi(m_Row[5]);
if(m_Row[6] != NULL)
hostcache[i].internalPort = atoi(m_Row[6]);
int iRemainder = iAllNumRows%iReturnNumRows; ///<余数
int iQuotient = iAllNumRows/iReturnNumRows; ///<商
int iStartIndex = rand()%(iRemainder + 1); ///<开始下标
for(int iSelectedIndex = 0; iSelectedIndex < iReturnNumRows; iSelectedIndex++)
mysql_data_seek(m_pResultSet, iStartIndex + iQuotient * iSelectedIndex);
m_Row = mysql_fetch_row(m_pResultSet);
if(m_Row[0] != NULL)
strcpy(hostcache[iSelectedIndex].sessionid, m_Row[0]);
if(m_Row[1] != NULL)
strcpy(hostcache[iSelectedIndex].channelid, m_Row[1]);
if(m_Row[2] != NULL)
hostcache[iSelectedIndex].ISPtype = atoi(m_Row[2]);
if(m_Row[3] != NULL)
hostcache[iSelectedIndex].externalIP = atoi(m_Row[3]);
if(m_Row[4] != NULL)
hostcache[iSelectedIndex].externalPort = atoi(m_Row[4]);
if(m_Row[5] != NULL)
hostcache[iSelectedIndex].internalIP = atoi(m_Row[5]);
if(m_Row[6] != NULL)
hostcache[iSelectedIndex].internalPort = atoi(m_Row[6]);
} //释放结果集内容
return iReturnNumRows;
int CDBManager::QueryHostCache(MYSQL * connecthandle,
char * channelid, unsigned int
myexternalip, int ISPtype, CHostCacheTable * hostcache)
MYSQL_RES * pResultSet;
char selectSQL[SQL_LENGTH];
memset(selectSQL, 0, sizeof(selectSQL));
sprintf(selectSQL,"select count(*)
from HostCache where ChannelID = '%s' and ISPtype = %d",
channelid, ISPtype);
if(mysql_real_query(connecthandle, selectSQL, strlen(selectSQL)) != 0) //检索
return 0;
pResultSet = mysql_store_result(connecthandle);
return 0;
row = mysql_fetch_row(pResultSet);
int iAllNumRows = atoi(row[0]);
int iLimitLower = (iAllNumRows <= RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM)?
0:(rand()%(iAllNumRows - RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM));
int iLimitUpper = (iAllNumRows <= RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM)?
iAllNumRows:(iLimitLower + RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM);
int iReturnNumRows = (iAllNumRows <= RETURN_QUERY_HOST_NUM)?
sprintf(selectSQL,"select SessionID, ExternalIP,
ExternalPort, InternalIP, InternalPort "
"from HostCache where ChannelID = '%s' and ISPtype = %d limit %d, %d"
, channelid, ISPtype, iLimitLower, iLimitUpper);
if(mysql_real_query(connecthandle, selectSQL, strlen(selectSQL)) != 0) //检索
return 0;
pResultSet = mysql_store_result(connecthandle);
return 0;
for(int i = 0; i<iReturnNumRows; i++)
row = mysql_fetch_row(pResultSet);
if(row[0] != NULL)
strcpy(hostcache[i].sessionid, row[0]);
if(row[1] != NULL)
hostcache[i].externalIP = atoi(row[1]);
if(row[2] != NULL)
hostcache[i].externalPort = atoi(row[2]);
if(row[3] != NULL)
hostcache[i].internalIP = atoi(row[3]);
if(row[4] != NULL)
hostcache[i].internalPort = atoi(row[4]);
return iReturnNumRows;
} |